email layouts, newsletter examples, how to

Download free email templates

100% FREE


It’s not difficult to get some free email templates surfing for a minute on the internet. Sometimes you will stumble on very good stuff, sometimes you won’t: plus, usually many layouts are just the same old story and the choice is pretty limited.

Our approach is different. We believe in quality design: so we give you 10 free newsletter templates to make you try our professionals’ ability and propose you a whole package of 300 beautiful, original templates for a very reasonable price.

All templates are collected and displayed in a lightweight software to download on your desktop: that will make browsing extremely easy, also because you will be able preview each template in full-size (so to check better its features).

Here’s the main advantages to choose our software:

  • Full compatibility with all email clients. Our email templates are tested against all major clients and webmails – Mozilla Thunderbird, Microsoft Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo! Mail,, etc. Careful tests have been run also on mobile devices and different browsers: you’ll be sure that your newsletter will be displayed the same way everywhere.
  • A handy software to browse all templates. No need to download an uncomfortable .ZIP file to unpack: you will be able to watch your templates directly in a “digital showcase”, then download the ones you need in every moment.
  • Effective, but lightweight design. All templates are crafted with light images and graphics to maximize the deliverability of your newsletter and be downloaded more easily.
  • Customizable layouts with any mailing software. Once you have downloaded your preferred template you can put it in your favorite editor and add your content: our layouts work with all email programs and services: from basic clients like Thunderbird to professional tools like SendBlaster, GroupMail, MailChimp, Benchmark Email etc.
  • Different categories, different styles. We think that any particular business or activity deserves a dedicated design. That is why we have differentiated our 300 templates according to various types of industry: so to make it easier for you to pick the layout that best fits your company.


You can download the full software package (10 free templates immediately available) right now.


100% FREE